Monday, December 26, 2022

Real or Virtual

Rarely encourage people to against their own will but Anti-Image Generation(AI) could be one of the activities in the our creative world that might harm everyone in the end! Due to majority of the copyright benefits are operated by large corporations. George Lucas had tried to express it in his star wars movies while he was independently outside of Hollywood system which is incredibly difficult and I admire it! The anti-AI  reminds how people VOTE the power to the Dark Lord of the Sith voluntarily, although in the end even George Lucas can not avoid large corporations because Disney acquired his studio. At the moment it got acquired, the old spirit might had faded away.

The absolutely scary thing is what seems right and doing the justice at this moment could help the negative part hunting us in the end.

The definition of art is still evolving just like it has always been.

About the application of image generation, one is a photo I took with ISO 102400 which was impossible before 2010-2015, and below is a Stable Diffusion 2.1 reproduction which is not possible before 2016-2021. 

Image Generation (AI ) is NOT AI since it is a technology about Latend Diffusion (Clip+Diffusion), the dataset is by Human, trained by Human, operating the output by human instruction. It is about educating that we do not harm individual’s spirit not about stopping ALL the development. 

I always hope one day either public domain or creative common are the common goal and solution for majority society. Since only large corporations can afford to take advantage of copyright when it comes down to the cost of involvement of protecting their own pieces.


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